Although Vista Analyse is best known for its high competence within the field of economics, we also have very high expertise when it comes to evaluating economic effects. One of our partners has written two widely used textbooks in evaluation methodology.
In our approach, we emphasize describing and analysing the complexity of the programs, action plans, measures and laws that we evaluate. This is how we ensure that we have a solid theoretical and empirical basis for evaluating the benefits, values, importance and effectiveness of certain economic measures while at the same time studying the mechanisms that led to a particular outcome. We focus both on goals and processes. In our approach, we also strive to combine the best of multidisciplinary evaluations and socio-economic cost-benefit analysis.
Method triangulation is a hallmark of our approach. In order to get a solid basis for our assessments, we obtain information and data from multiple sources and studies, often allowing both qualitative and quantitative methods being "triangulated", or used in combination. Through the triangulation of methods and structured, research-based analysis, we establish a solid and verifiable evaluation basis.