In the coming decades Norway, along with the rest of the world, will have to undergo a green transformation. For Norway, the high dependence on revenue from oil and gas poses particular challenges. A green transformation requires that oil, and eventually natural gas, be phased out earlier than currently planned. Vista Analyse has world class expertise in issues related to the green transformation. One important area comprises regulations and policy instruments. Vista Analyse has analysed traditional instruments, such as CO2-taxes and tradeable quotas, as well as new approaches, including climate legislation and green and white certificates. Another important area is the interaction between the economy and the environment, where we have recently analysed the impact of the Norwegian economy on foreign ecosystems. A third, and related topic, is how this interaction will evolve in the future. Vista Analyse has analysed how climate change will affect Norway, and we are in the process of analyzing how the green transformation will affect Norway’s industrial structure. Several of our staff have participated in public commissions set up to investigate different aspects of the green transformation. This includes the Green Tax Commission, the commission that considered the environmental risks to the state pension fund (Norway’s oil fund) and the commission to analyse ecosystem services in Norway.