Orvika Rosnes

Orvika Rosnes is economist (PhD) with over twenty years of experience in energy and climate policy analyses, both as a researcher and as a consultant.

She has worked on issues related to environmental and climate policies, as well as regulation, market structure and investments in power markets, especially in the Nordic and Northern European power markets and Emission Trading System (EU ETS). From the initial focus on power and carbon markets, she has now turned her attention to economy-wide analyses. Recent projects include studies of energy efficiency in households.

Orvika is an expert in model-based scenario analyses. She has experience both in partial equilibrium models and in general equilibrium (CGE) models. Recent work includes development of a new CGE model for Norway. Previous work includes development of computable models for analyses of international climate policies (including the carbon market under the EU Emission Trading System (EU ETS) and the flexible mechanisms under the Kyoto Protocol), and a power sector model for Sub-Saharan Africa. She has also experience with other methods, especially cost-benefit analyses.


Scientific publications

For other reports and project experience, please consult the CV.


«The cost to households of a large electricity outage». Energy Economics 116. https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1g8MeW3fcsS3k (with H. Vennemo, A. Skulstad)


«The road to a low emission society: Costs of interacting climate regulations». SSB Discussion Paper 2021/972. (med B. Bye, Kevin R. Kaushal, Karen Turner, Hidemichi Yonezawa) The road to a low emission society: Costs of interacting climate regulations (ssb.no).


«Anbefalinger for bedre samfunnsøkonomiske analyser.» Samferdsel 23.10.2020 Anbefalinger for bedre samfunnsøkonomiske analyser - Samferdsel (toi.no) (with H. Vennemo, J. Furuholmen, L. Andreev)


«Marginal abatement costs under EU’s effort sharing regulation. A CGE analysis.» CREE Working Paper 3/2019 (also published as SSB Report 2019/10) https://www.cree.uio.no/publications/CREE_working_papers/2019/wp_2019_03.html (with B. Bye and T. Fæhn)


«SNOW-modellen for Norge: Dokumentasjon av framskrivningsmodellen for norsk økonomi og utslipp.» SSB Notater 2019/1 SNOW-modellen for Norge. Dokumentasjon av framskrivningsmodellen for norsk økonomi og utslipp (ssb.no) (with B. Bye and T. Fæhn)


«Residential energy efficiency policies: Costs, emissions and rebound effects». Energy 143, pp. 191–201. DOI 10.1016/j.energy.2017.10.103 (with B. Bye and T. Fæhn)


«Energy technology and energy economics: Analyses of energy efficiency policy in two different model traditions». CREE Working Paper 1/2018. http://www.cree.uio.no/publications/CREE_working_papers/2018/wp_2018_01.html (with B. Bye, K. Espegren, T. Fæhn, E. Rosenberg)


«Energiteknologi og energiøkonomi: Analyser av energipolitikk i to ulike modelltradisjoner». Samfunnsøkonomen 6–2016, pp. 47–57 (with B. Bye, K. Espegren, T. Fæhn, E. Rosenberg)


«Robuste norske klimamålsetninger». Samfunnsøkonomen 1–2015, pp. 67–77 (with M. Greaker)


«Subsidies for Renewable Energy in Inflexible Power Markets». Journal of Regulatory Economics 46, pp. 318–343. DOI 10.1007/s11149-014-9258-7


«The Cost of Providing Electricity to Africa». Energy Economics 34, pp. 1318–1328. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2012.06.008 (with H. Vennemo)


«Forecasting CO2 Prices in the EU ETS». In Q.P. Zheng, P.M. Pardalos, S. Rebennack, N.A. Iliadis, M.V. Pereira (eds.) Handbook of CO2 in Power Systems, pp. 243–274. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg (with A.-F. Sinner and B. Tennbakk)


Africa’s Power Infrastructure. Improving investment, connectivity, reliability and efficiencies. The World Bank Press. Available at https://openknowledge.worldbank.org/handle/10986/2290 (with A. Eberhard, M. Shkaratan and H. Vennemo)


«The Impact of Climate Policies on the Operation of a Thermal Power Plant». The Energy Journal 29 (2), pp. 1–22. DOI 10.5547/ISSN0195-6574-EJ-Vol29-No2-1


Short-term Effects of Long-term Policies: Climate Policies in Power Markets. Department of Economics and Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Dissertation No. 2007:11

Publications by Orvika Rosnes:
NameOrvika Rosnes
FunctionChief executive officer and partner
TitleEconomist (PhD)
Phone+47 98 26 39 56
Office AddressMeltzers gate 4, 0257 Oslo
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