Jonas Jønsberg Lie

Jonas holds an MSc in Business and Economics from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH), with a major in Economics. He has specialized in Taxation, Development Economics, Environmental Economics, and Welfare Economics.

During his first year at Vista Analysis, Jonas has been involved in projects within power and energy, oil and gas, climate and environment, regional development, and transport. Among other things, he has been part of the team that quality assured the Norwegian Railway Directorate's project “KVU Green” on reduced greenhouse gas emissions from the railway. He has conducted population projections that have been used in models to calculate the need for kindergartens and schools. As well as assessed the economic profitability of seabed mineral activities and CO2 storage on the Norwegian shelf for the Ministry of Energy.

Jonas wrote an empirical thesis at NHH emphasizing on microdata to estimate the effect of the inheritance tax on wealth distribution in Norway. He estimated the short-term effects of changes in tax rates and deductions and long-term effects on wealth distribution by using difference-in-difference approach and event study design. In spring 2020 Jonas had an internship at the Permanent Mission of Norway to the WTO and EFTA in Genève. In WTO, he focused on trade and environment and the negotiations on fisheries subsidies. Jonas did a quantitative and qualitative analysis of WTO members’ notifications of their fisheries subsidies as important background for negotiations.

Publications by Jonas Jønsberg Lie:

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NameJonas Jønsberg Lie
Phone+47 96 51 23 24
Office AddressMeltzers gate 4, 0257 Oslo
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