Master's thesis

Master´s thesis

Vista Analyse aims to contribute to a better collaboration between students and businesses. We offer scholarships and supervision for your writing (secondary supervisor – you need a main supervisor at your university) to spesific projects or within services and/or industries we work with. In addition we offer office space in an environment of high professional and academic standards.

There will be awarded until three scholarships, at 20 000 NOK each, for Master’s theses with relevant topics. Master students in economics that are writing their master thesis autumn 2022 or spring 2023 can apply for our scholarship.

Currently, we have the following projects in which you may apply to write your thesis:

  • Households valuation of security of power supply of critical infrastructures
    It is important to know society’s valuation of security of power supply (absence of power outage). Information about the social costs if a power outage leads to a simultaneous breakdown of several infrastructures (e.g. payment services, public transport and tele-services and data communication) is important to ensure a cost-effective development of power grids in Norway. Last year we conducted a valuation study where we found that househoulds have a 50% higher willingness to pay for the avoidance of a black-out which affets not only the household itself, but also the transport system, ATM, electronic communacation, and so on. Data from this study can now be utilized in new studies.
  • A regional general equilibrium model - NOREG
    We have a research project, running over several years, where we further develop the regional general equilibrium model NOREG. A Master’s thesis within this project can either be a policy analysis using the model, or an econometric thesis which contributes to improve the model. In 2021-2022 we are going to have a special focus on issues related to public sector.
  • Make your own suggestion
    Write a master thesis on a topic within our thematic areas which include climate change, energy, transport, urban planning and welfare issues. For more inspiration, see this list.

Please send your application to including CV, transcript of records and a short project plan (brief topic for your Master’s thesis, possible hypothesis and methods). Application deadline is April 1st. uses cookies to ensure you get the best experienceGDPR